PMMA / Acrylic Sustainable Solutions

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Trinseo is a global materials solutions provider and manufacturer of plastics and latex binders with a focus on delivering innovative, sustainable, and value-creating products that are intrinsic to our daily lives. Trinseo is strongly committed to engineering plastics – from MMA monomer to PMMA Acrylic Glass. Trinseo designs and manufactures highly innovative products tailored to the specific needs of its global customers. Its 3800 dedicated employees contribute daily to the success of its three core product areas (MMA, Acrylic Sheets and PMMA resins). Its 3 major professional brands set the standard for the European market: ALTUGLAS™, OROGLAS™ AND SOLARKOTE™.

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With 3,900 employees, 15 production sites worldwide, and revenues of EUR 1.9 billion (2018 figures), Röhm is one of the world’s leading manufacturers in the methacrylate business. The medium-sized company with branches in Germany, China, the USA, Russia, and South Africa has more than 80 years of experience in methacrylate chemistry and a strong technology platform. Our Methacrylate’s business is one of the world’s leading supplier for methacrylate monomers, PMMA molding compounds and Acrylic Products with e.g. sheets and films. Our  PMMA products are sold under the PLEXIGLAS® trademark on the European, Asian, African and Australian continents and under the ACRYLITE® trademark in the Americas.

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The Mitsubishi Chemical group

Mitsubishi Chemical Methacrylates (MCM) supplies methacrylates – the building block of all acrylic products – to its customers in over 100 countries. At its core is the creation and development of the best methacrylate production technologies in the world, including driving towards a bio-synthesis route for MMA and the realisation of a truly circular economy for acrylic products through the molecular recycling of PMMA back to MMA. MCM has manufacturing, sales, and distribution capabilities across EMEA, the Americas and Asia Pacific.

Lucite International, based in the Netherlands, is the EMEA-based manufacturer and representative of the MCM global PMMA business, and the driving force behind some of the world’s best known branded acrylic products, Diakon® and Acrypet™. It invests in the development of new acrylic-based products to help customers succeed in a wide variety of domestic and industrial product areas.

The Mitsubishi Chemical group philosophy is KAITEKI – the sustainable well-being of people, society and our planet Earth. The group works together with customers, supply chain partners and technology partners to ensure their products continue to contribute towards improving quality of life everywhere.


The Plazit Polygal Group is one of the leading international specialist manufacturers of thermoplastic sheets for various applications.  The production facilities are located in Israel, USA, Chile, Bulgaria, Russia and Spain, enabling our clients to source our products close to their locations around the globe. Plazit and Polygal merged their operations in 2011, and the Plazit Polygal Group continues to develop its products, production facilities, human resources and market presence. We are committed to meeting the needs of our customers and guaranteeing high quality, flexibility and swift response – these commitments are the key to all our activities.  Plazit Polygal Group in-house experts provide technical support and continuous product development to meet the evolving needs of our global client base.

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3A Composites

3A Composites develops, manufactures, and markets high quality extruded and cast plastic sheets, aluminium composite panels, paper- and foamboards as well as core materials based on balsa wood and PET foam for composite structures. The company is focused on the Display, Architecture, Wind energy, Marine, Transportation & Industry markets.

With 42 famous brands 3A Composites has established its reputation as a global company. Offices and manufacturing operations in 35 locations in Europe, the Americas and Asia with approximately 4’400 employees and an annual turnover of about 1.2 Billion Swiss franc distinguishes the company.

3A Composites belongs to Schweiter Technologies which is a listed company at the Swiss stock exchange. 3A Composites Display Europe, an international division of the 3A Composites Group, is the leading manufacturer of PMMA sheet materials in Europe. The PMMA materials are sold under the trademarks PERSPEX®, CRYLUX®, CRYLON®, AKRYLON® and PERSPEX® XT.

Due to its many years of experience, 3A Composites has built up a tremendous expertise in the production of plastic sheets and offers its customers the best selection of materials, thicknesses, sizes, colours, patterns, coatings and light transmissions for a variety of different application areas.

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